Universe: The Infinite Frontier
Universe: The Infinite Frontier was a 26 episode television series explaining all the stars and planets and having a look at the entire universe. It was first broadcast in 1994 in the United States by PBS.
- The Scale of the Universe
- The Sky
- Cycles of the Sky
- The Origins of Modern Astronomy
- Newton, Einstein and Gravity
- The Tools of Astronomy
- Atoms and Starlight
- The Sun
- Stellar Properties
- Stellar Formation
- The Lives of Stars
- The Deaths of Stars
- Neutron Stars and Black Holes
- The Milky Way
- Galaxies
- Peculiar Galaxies
- The Big Bang
- The Fate of the Universe
- The Origin of the Solar System
- Planet Earth
- The Moon and Mercury
- Venus and Mars
- Jupiter and Saturn
- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
- Meteorites, Asteroids and Comets
- Life on Other Worlds
External links